
Spreading Bhagawan's message

The Sri Sathya Sai Media Center (SSSMC) has updated the channels on YouTube so it is in your interest to subscribe. 

Het Sri Sathya Sai Media Center (SSSMC) heeft de kanalen op YouTube bijgewerkt, dus het is in uw belang om u te abonneren.

Le Sri Sathya Sai Media Center (SSSMC) a mis à jour les chaînes sur YouTube, il est donc dans votre intérêt de vous abonner.


The advantage of subscribing is that by opening that subscription you get a list of the different movies that are available, so you can easily stay informed. 

Het voordeel van abonneren is dat je door het openen van dat abonnement een lijst krijgt van de verschillende filmpjes die er zijn, zo blijf je gemakkelijk op de hoogte.

L'avantage de l'abonnement est qu'en ouvrant cet abonnement, vous obtiendrez une liste des différentes vidéos disponibles, afin que vous puissiez facilement rester informé.


How do I subscribe?  See below after the text (there is no payment for this Google service)

Hoe abonneer ik me aan? Zie hieronder na de tekst. (er is geen betaling voor deze Google-service)

Comment m'abonner? Voir ci-dessous après le texte (il n'y a pas de paiement pour ce service Google)



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

OM Sri Sai Ram.

During the trying times of pandemic, Sri Sathya Sai Media Center (SSSMC) played a major role in connecting devotees to Prasanyhi Nilayam. As most of the devotees were working from home or compulsorily made to remain at home, SSSMC has become a source of strength and a constant companion to many by taking Swami to their homes. SSSMC has successfully engaged them with very innovative spiritual activities with several new programs.

It was heartwarming to see the devotees’ reaction to these efforts and new ventures. 

There are certain changes in the naming of SSSMC channels that have taken place recently.  Just for the benefit of those who are not aware, the same is indicated below:


  1. Radio Sai Main Channel is now - Sri Sathya Sai Official 
    ( Sai Bhajans is now - Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans 

  2. Radio Sai Telugu is now - Sri Sathya Sai Sandesha Jhari 

  3. Radio Sai Hindi is now - Sri Sathya Sai Premvani

  4. Radio Sai Kannada - Sri Sathya Sai Amrutavani 

  5. Radio Sai Tamil - Sri Sathya Sai Anandavani

SSSMC also has an existing channel dedicated to the discourses of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai. Link details as under:

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Official 

In addition to these, one new channel named Prasanthi mandir Live – SSSMC has been introduced for the sole purpose of Video coverage of all important events taking place in Prasanthi Nilayam. Link details of the same are:

Prasanthi Mandir Live - SSSMC 

For wider dissemination of Bhagawan’s teachings, certain actions were taken by SSSMC. The following new links are available for both the channels for the benefit and joy all the devotees who will be eager to participate and view every  important program at Prasanthi Nilayam that are being conducted at the Lotus Feet of  our Beloved Bhagawan.


  1. All the members of the Sri Sathya Sai Centres of SSSIO are requested to subscribe to SSSMC main Sri Sathya Sai Official channels

    Sri Sathya Sai official channels are also available on Instagram and Twitter.

  2. Please tune in to Prasanthi Mandir Live (SSSMC) channel
which brings in live Video coverage of important programmes that are taking place at Prasanthi Nilayam, in addition to daily Darshan.

These are good initiatives and programmes for all the devotees to be connected with Swami, His glory, His works and His abode, Prasanthi Nilayam.

We request all SSSIO officers and devotees to plan their programmes in such a way that they can view and enjoy the programmes being live broadcast from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Zone Chairs, please share this information with all members of Sathya Sai Centres, Groups, Trusts and Institutes.

Mr. Deviesh Tankaria, kindly inform all Young Adults.

Jai Sai Ram

In the Loving Service of Sai,


Anupom Ganguli, Ph.D.

Chairman, SSSIO Media Committee

 Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation

 Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


How do I subscribe?  See below after the text (there is no payment for this Google service)

Hoe abonneer ik me ? Zie hieronder na de tekst. (er is geen betaling voor deze Google-service)

Comment m'abonner? Voir ci-dessous après le texte (il n'y a pas de paiement pour ce service Google)


1)   Click on the link you want to subscribe with, you will get following with "Mandir Live":

      Klik op de link waarmee u zich wilt abonneren, je ziet dan volgende voor "Mandir Live" :

      Cliquez sur le lien avec lequel vous souhaitez vous abonner, vous verrez ce qui suit pour
      "Mandir Live":



 2)  Click on “ABONNEREN (or "SUBSCRIBE” / klik op “ABONNEREN” / cliquer sur
       “Abonner(en)” (souscrire?)

      The subscription will appear on the list “ABONNEMENTEN” /Het abonnement wordt
      weergegeven op de lijst “ABONNEMENTEN” / 

      L'abonnement apparaîtra sur la liste «ABONNEMENTEN»

      And “SUBSCRIBE” changes to “SUBSCRIBED” / en “ABONNEREN" verandert in
      “GEABONNEERD” / Et "SUBSCRIBE" devient       


How to get to the list afterwards? / Hoe kom je achteraf bij de lijst? / Comment accéder à la liste par la suite?

Open YouTube in your internet browser. / Open YouTube in uw internetbrowser. / Ouvrez YouTube dans votre navigateur Internet. /


In Swami’s service
